
Here's What You Need to Know about Busting Myths on Cloud Migration

Here’s What You Need to Know about Busting Myths on Cloud Migration

As cloud vendors, we come across customers that at times question the relevance of online accounting software.

While their concerns are no doubt, valid, the baseline most of the time is that- The questions they raise lack research!

And no one is to blame here. The poor availability of proper information related to functions of cloud accounting software results in myths.

Before diving into the myths, let’s clear our basics.

What is the cloud?

The term “cloud” refers to servers that are accessible over the Internet, as well as the software and databases that run on them.

Cloud servers are hosted in many data centers across the world.

When users and organizations use cloud computing, they don’t have to manage actual servers or run applications on their own desktops.

Let’s take the example of Instagram here. After their old phone breaks, a user can log in to their Instagram account on a new phone and discover their previous account intact, complete with all of their photographs, videos, and chat history.

That’s how the cloud works.

When it comes to cloud accounting software, its primary nature is SaaS.

Instead of being installed on the user’s device, SaaS applications are hosted on cloud servers and accessed via the Internet. SaaS is comparable to renting a house in that the landlord looks after the property while the tenant uses it as if it were their own.

Cloud accounting software provides various benefits while you can read more on “The Top 10 Benefits of Cloud Accounting Software”

Here Are Some of the Busting Myths about the Cloud!

You may have made up your mind about migrating to a new cloud accounting software.

You have done your homework as well, but second thoughts may still arise due to the following myths.

Read on and we’ll debunk those for you.

Myths on Cloud #1 Migration process may take months!

Reality check- Many clients fret about the time taken to migrate to new software. But the truth is, migrating data isn’t the heavy lifting work; getting your end-users enthused about the new system and preparing them for the new way of doing things, that’s where the major work lies. While it is true that enterprise-wide cloud migration takes time, the quantity of data you have, the operations you want to move, and the people you want to migrate all determine how long it takes.

You can spread out the migration process over time, learn from your mistakes, and successfully plan for future workload migration. Of course, this needs a proper plan in place considering a couple of months. For this, you can choose which users, departments, and teams to transfer when, ensuring that ongoing business activities are not interrupted.

Myths on Cloud #2 Migrating to the cloud is expensive

Reality check-  One of the most common misconceptions about cloud computing is that it is too expensive. But this isn’t totally accurate. Yes, the upfront costs to migrate your workloads and apps to the cloud may appear substantial; however, once your organization is operational in the cloud, the capital cost is essentially non-existent, while operational expenditure is minimal.

Mythy on Cloud #3 We might be caught in a vendor lock-in

Reality check- The fear of vendor lock-in is another factor that prevents companies from moving to the cloud. It’s fair to have doubts about relying on a single cloud provider for all of your needs, as well as concerns about losing control over your data and infrastructure.

Cloud services are comprehensive, encompassing a variety of levels, models, scopes, and applications.

A cloud strategy must be flexible enough to meet the increasing use of cloud services.

You can always opt for a multi-cloud strategy.

Myths on Cloud #4 It’s one size for all 

Reality check-  Cloud services are comprehensive, encompassing a variety of levels, models, scopes, and applications.

A cloud strategy must be flexible enough to meet the increasing use of cloud services.

For example, RealBooks starts with an explorer version that is free up to 500 entries. Furthermore, it has a Professional edition suitable for CAs, a Business edition suitable for businesses of all sizes, and Enterprise edition, and an E-commerce edition, all with varying pricing packages.

Myths on Cloud #5 We might lose our data during migration

Reality check-  The cloud does not determine whether the information is secure or not. Rather, what matters most for security and compliance is the company you trust, their audited processes, and the tools they use.

As cloud security regulations become more stringent, today’s cloud providers have a comprehensive set of policies, technologies, and controls in place to ensure that data, applications, and associated infrastructure are secure.

When migrating to the cloud, make sure to raise any security concerns you may have with your cloud vendor and receive complete clarification on how the risks will be addressed. Learn about the security measures that will be implemented, how data will be encrypted, and what access control mechanisms will be implemented to guarantee that only authorized personnel has access to business-critical data.

Myths on Cloud #6 Only accounting experts can access the cloud

Reality check- The truth about migration is that a major chunk of the load goes into training the users. Yes, accounting software is to be trusted only when it is in the hands of accountants and bookkeepers.

But do they carry out the migration then? No.

Cloud service providers have created tools and interfaces to make cloud migration easier than before. That does not, however, imply that the migration process is straightforward enough to handle on your own.

Final thoughts:

Since cloud migration is a major operation, even the tiniest concern can prevent your business from reaping the full benefits of the cloud. The power lies in proper planning.

It’s no longer a concern of whether or not you should move to the cloud. It’s only a matter of when and how. A clunky, out-of-date system can leave you stuck in a rut.

RealBooks ensures easy migration from Tally or other software via Excel or XML.

RealBooks can help you automate and streamline your business processes by using paperless workflows. Our software is ideal for you if you need an accounting solution with integrated BI features.

Try the free explorer plan before the 14-day trial is done and dusted!