
Enhanced Transaction Edit Permissions in Group Segment

We have made an improvement in our system to provide more flexibility in transaction editing permissions within the Group Segment. Here are the key enhancements:

1. Editing Entries Across Sub-Branches: Users at the Group Branch level can now edit entries across all sub-branches, even if the Transaction Allowed permission is disabled Group Segment Master. This ensures that users at the Group Branch level have the necessary permissions to edit transactions for enhanced operational control.

2. Segment Change Verification: When a user at the Group Branch level changes the segment of an entry and attempts to save it, the system will check if the user has the rights for the saving branch. If the user doesn’t have the required rights, an error is triggered, preventing the entry from being saved. This ensures data integrity and compliance with branch-specific permissions.

These enhancements aim to provide users at the Group Branch level with more control over transaction editing across sub-branches while maintaining strict verification checks to uphold security and permissions.