
Manual BRS Key Matching in Bank Reconciliation via Excel

Our BRS via Excel feature has a new upgrade. Now, users can manually match BRS keys in the following scenarios:

1. Assigning Same BRS Key to Multiple Bank Entries: Users can now assign the same BRS key to multiple entries in RealBooks, allowing for a streamlined reconciliation process when dealing with similar transactions.

2. Merging Multiple Bank Entries and Generating a Single BRS Key: The system now supports the merging of multiple Bank entries, creating a single BRS key. This consolidated key can then be matched with the corresponding RealBooks entry, simplifying reconciliation in cases where multiple bank entries are associated.

Please note that both BRS date and BRS key options remain open for user flexibility, aligning with your specific reconciliation needs. This enhancement aims to provide users with more control and efficiency in managing bank reconciliation via Excel in RealBooks.