
Run Your Business At Your Fingertips With The RealBooks Mobile App

Run Your Business At Your Fingertips With The RealBooks Mobile App

Traditional accounting is a thing of the past. Businesses are getting smarter by taking on the cloud and ditching almost all the physical aspects that limit their potential. 

If the lockdown has taught us anything then it’s the simple fact that relying on office computers is no longer a feasible option. We need to make a switch on something that helps management be remote and flexible. 


Accounting has traditionally been linked with stacks of paper, spreadsheets, and the cumbersome task of crunching numbers. But a new accounting era awaits in the form of mobile accounting

Why does your business need mobile accounting?

Everyone owns a smartphone and likes the capability of doing simple tasks such as online payments through their phone. So, it’s needless to say that mobile accounting is a cherry on top for businesses when they deal with clients. Even from a managerial standpoint, handling numbers becomes easier and faster with a cloud-based accounting mobile app. With mobile accounting-

  • You can work from anywhere. Only a smartphone and a stable internet connection is the requirement for accessing files anytime. 
  • You can reduce your paperwork with the availability of cloud storage. 
  • You can collaborate with multiple users who have access to the accounts
  • You can boost up your client engagements and in doing so, boost up your brand name

These smart solutions call for a smart application that caters to your ‘on-the-go’ accounting needs. 

RealBooks is a cloud-based comprehensive accounting software which caters almost all your accounting-inventory related requirements. The availability of its Mobile App amplifies the benefits of mobile accounting as well. With its easy to use interface and command centres, it makes the perfect fit for tech-savvy businesspeople. Whether you have an iOS or an Android, you can avail business insights with just a click through the RealBooks app.

What makes RealBooks stand out of the clutter?

1. Check reports on the go

You can easily check your accounting and inventory reports whenever and wherever you need them. The documents and files attached to the entries can also be viewed via the app. You can share the pdf or excel files of the reports without having to download them. 

The app is also helpful for tracking inventory as it allows you to view the available stock for a given date with just ONE CLICK!

2. Approve Transaction

RealBooks already provides an efficient maker-checker tool and the app makes the approval workflow a breeze. So what if the manager’s on a leave, they can approve your transactions with a simple click on their phone. 

3. Schedule Reports

Managing a pile of reports becomes easier with the RealBooks app as you can schedule reports at your own convenience. With this feature, automated reports will be notified on the app and sent to your email address as scheduled. 

4. Raise invoices

Accounting tasks become even more productive with the mobile app as it allows you to create accounting invoices on the go. Alongwith service invoices, POS invoicing can also be done via the RealBooks app. 

5. Record Receipt & Payment 

When you need to clear an urgent payment, use our mobile app. Even when a payment is received outside the office, setting reminders to record the same in the books is no more the requirement. Let all your worries go away, record the receipts & payments via mobile app.

6. Reduce Dependency, create ledgers via the app

Not only recording of transactions, even creation of customer/vendor ledger is allowed on the App. Provide minimal details, and create a ledger. This saves a lot of time wasted due to dependency on others.

7. Get instant notifications

With instant notifications from your accounting system, you can stay on top of key changes in your business. In the event that the particular entries are created, edited, deleted, approved, or printed, you will be notified on the app and by email. This eases your task of managing your accounting department.

8. Multiple collaboration

With restricted access and permission, your team can view reports of all the segments of a company. This makes collaboration in a decentralized hybrid business model efficient. Restricted access and permissions ensure maximum safety of data which is a cherry on top for your mobile accounting needs. 

Switch to a new secure digital future with high mobility!

If you are looking for a cloud-based online accounting software with world-class cloud services then look no further. RealBooks is the one-stop solution to all your worries. Numerous companies from several industries have already switched to RealBooks for hassle-free data management with real-time cloud sync.

We’re committed to protect your business data and make it easy for you to access it anytime, anywhere. Forget all your worries and switch to a new digital future. Choose RealBooks – the best cloud-based online accounting software and enjoy hassle-free operations management. Switch to RealBooks.